Anyway, none of that is REALLY relevant. This post is supposed to be about the disposable camera I shot this fall, one I found unused in a box with the "process by date" printed on the bottom as 05/2006. Not knowing what in the world the results would be, I shot it over the course of a few months and finally finished it up for processing last week. The results were posted yesterday...
All film, taken with an expired Fujifilm disposable camera loaded with 800 XTRA film
The verdict? These photos aren't the greatest, but for some reason I can't resist the lo-fi, nostalgic charm (reminds me of my childhood when my mom would send me to camp with a couple of disposables that I'd inevitably fill up with worthless crap). The little things are cheap (I think Walmart has cheap Fuji ones--perhaps without a flash--for like $2.97) and fun to keep in your purse (since I have a purse I actually like to carry now--that's for another post) so I think I'll keep using them!
I want to get a job developing film on the side... not only would I get to do my own photos and could take pictures of whatever I want, but I would also get to snoop around and spy on other people's pictures. Oh and the side $$ would be a nice perk as well :]