May 22, 2011

late may

This weekend was my first weekend out of college, the first weekend of the real world, the first weekend of summer--whatever you want to call it.  Evin spent it with me at my place and we kept ourselves busy doing summery things.  Saturday morning we went to the annual spring festival and got a yummy lunch and bottle of wine.  Then we hung out a bit at the house and headed out to pick some strawberries (though we shouldn't have gone when we did--at the end of a busy Saturday, good strawberries were hard to find in the field and we only got one quart).  We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and when it got dark we watched movies until we fell asleep.  This morning we wanted sausage gravy, but I wanted it with biscuits (not in a potato mood) but we had none--so, after much complaining, I sucked it up and made some from scratch.  They tasted pretty great with the gravy in the end!

These aren't all the photos from this weekend--I've set aside photos I took around Main Street yesterday as part of my overgrown series.  I'll post those later on!

I'm also in the process of overhauling my bedroom (not sure if I've posted about that yet) but I've been taking a few photos along the way and when I get all moved back in I'll share those too!

**tagging this post as "summer" even though it's technically still spring.  The weekend felt more like summer than spring!


  1. I have to wonder how many of those used books found their way home with you. Beautiful series! My favorites are the ones along the road and the strawberries. I'm happy that you are having a great time!

  2. Your photos make me so happy.
    I love the strawberry ones, especially with the cute turquoise basket. Eep.
    I hope you're liking the new camera :D

  3. Great photoset; looks like an amazing weekend! Sausage (Morningstar veggie variety) and gravy with homemade biscuits made an appearance during our weekend too. :)


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