April 15, 2014

karly gardens, april 15, 2014

Strawberry blossoms

Peony bud

Spilled radishes outside the bed




French Breakfast radishes

Carrot beginnings

Lacinato Kale
A mid-month garden update.  It's funny…I check on my plants every day and as such, their growth seems slow.  But, if I review the garden post I made two weeks ago, what a difference!  And just two weeks!  The peas were just sprouting and their leaves hadn't unfurled yet, the radishes had only their first leaves, the spinach seedlings were just thin, grassy-looking shoots and the peonies were just reaching their reddish fingers out of the dirt.  Now, the radishes are starting to crowd one another, the peas are a few inches tall and looking lush, new sprout are emerging from seeds planted on the first of the month, and so on.  We have blooms on our strawberry plants and the peonies are showing buds (a very exciting development, as the plants were given to me at the end of the 2013 by our kind neighbor, and she warned me they may not bloom their first year after being transplanted).  My brassicas suffered from the cold with their outer leaves showing yellow and splotchy (almost tie-dyed) so I have been pinching those leaves off in hopes of driving energy toward new growth.  As a result, they are roughly the same size, but I think they're about to take off.
A freeze warning goes into effect tonight after days of warm weather, so I have taken a few dozen mason jars outside to cover my sprouts.  I did this last night, because I got mixed up on when the cold weather would arrive.  The upturned jars with green leaves pressed against the sides look a little bit like a science experiment (according to Evin), as though specimens are being bottled for research.  It's kind of funny.  But hey, whatever works...

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