September 6, 2012

irish medium format: roll 3

The third roll from the trip!  Yashica Mat 124G+Kodak Ektar 100
  1. Beacon walk in Baltimore
  2. Also from the beacon walk
  3. Castletownshend (ate lunch on the pier)
  4. Pints in Glandore
  5. Kenmare charm
  6. Kenmare
  7. A boat bobbing in Kenmare Bay
  8. A small waterfall in Gleninchaquin Park
  9. the BIG waterfall in Gleninchaquin Park
  10. Dreamworld aka Cummeenadillure Lake in Gleninchaquin Park
  11. Near the top of the falls
  12. Magical trees at Lough Ree

1 comment:

  1. I love those pictures in the town... So how many rolls of film did you end up using while you were there?


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